How to...? Find out more about the world of Borma Wachs: in this collection of wood care videos and tutorials you can learn about the history and philosophy of the company, the ecological and technological products that are developed and manufactured, and many useful tutorials on the main wood care and restoration techniques, from the teak oil application to the gilding of furniture, from the coating of outdoor wooden floors to the most creative decoration.


  • Trattamento esterni Ciclo di finitura di una casa in legno con Dekorwachs Lasur 3 in 1
    Effetto anticato naturale su parquet in rovere
    Trattamento esterni Ciclo di finitura di una casa in legno con Holzwachs lasur 3 in 1
    Decorazione in stile anticato con Shabby Provenzale


Borma Wachs: do you know the reality of Borma Wachs?
Discover the added value of our formulations for the processing, care and restoration of wood, enter our factories and meet the professionals who allow us to create much more than simple wood products ...



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BORMA TV: Complete Tutorials on Wood Treatments and Restoration Products

How to use the restoration products?
How to reconstruct wooden furniture doors and edges?
How to do flawless wood gilding?
Which products perform best on the different essences?

Borma TV collects video tutorials for wood and the best webinars from our wood restoration and decoration experts.
A fascinating collection for wood professionals and enthusiasts, one more way to be close to our customers!
Our products are the result of a research and development department that combines the needs of those who have to work wood at 360° and the needs of the environment.
In addition to the stringent European regulations, our products enjoy further quality certifications, from VOC free to safety for children's toys, up to UV protection.
In addition to the certifications on paper, here at Borma Wachs we test the products in the field!
That's why we can offer you a ideo tutorial gallery that allows you to see the final results with your own eyes!
Thanks to the expertise and creativity of our professionals, you can trust Borma Wachs! You will always have excellent products that allow you to carry out any type of processing with satisfaction, respecting the environment, the health of the person and the healthiness of the internal premises.
On this page you can find out more about Borma Wachs and its products.
From the commitment to the environment to the gilding techniques, from the zeal in our laboratory tests to verify that the products meet the quality standards up to the restoration of the poolside.
Our video tutorials are organized by subject areas so that you can quickly navigate and easily find what you want to know!
Explore the gallery and look for the videos of your interest, and if you want to know more about wood products, browse our catalogues or contact us for all the information you want!

Why create a video gallery?
Our commitment does not stop with the quality of the products, but extends to responsibility towards the professionals and enthusiasts who choose us and towards the environment we are living in and that we will pass on to the next generations.
But what does the video gallery have to do with respecting the environment?
Among the major problems affecting every ecosystem are emissions and waste disposal. By cutting waste it is possible to consume less, but better, and consequently produce less and reduce emissions at source.
A product made with raw materials that are immediately renewable and sustainable, but which is then used badly or wasted or remains unused, is in fact a polluting waste.
If, on the other hand, this good product is not only accompanied by a technical data sheet and an impeccable user manual, but also supported by a video tutorial, the benefits extend along the entire supply chain!
With our video tutorials you already know what the range of applications for a product is, you see the professional execution of the different processes and you know exactly how to reproduce them to obtain the desired results.
Thanks to the video tutorials you extend the useful information for choosing the optimal product, increase satisfaction, improve the result and cut waste and harmful emissions.
A wooden object worked with passion and love, not only for beauty but also for the planet, is infinitely more valuable!
This is why we are committed to creating useful videos to allow professionals to discover the potential of the products and to share the tricks of the trade with enthusiasts.

Good vision!



Conformity EN 71.3 Toy safety - Part 3: Migration of certain items.
Eurofins danish laboratories have recognized the conformity of Borma Wachs oils to EN 71-III norm, relating to the migration of harmful heavy metals, guaranteeing the safety of the treatments in such a way that they can also be safe for use on childrens' toys.
Borma Wachs products are tested and approved by IBR, Intitut für Baubiologie Rosenheim. The performed analysis certify that our products are complying in terms of VOC content, biocides, heavy metals and radioactivity, guaranteeing full eco-compatibility with Green Building principles.
This product's safety is guaranteed more than just by EN 71-III certificate. Its safety for children is supported by DIN 53160/1-2 and DIN 68861/1 (Resistance to saliva and sweat; Resistance to cold liquids ) certificates as well. The product does not release harmful substances even when in contact with common alimentary liquids or mucuous membrane.
The product acts as fire retardant
Labeling of construction products
This label covers the French legislation relating to emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and the impact they have on indoor air quality after the product is brought into the room.
Labeling refers to the pollutants emitted once the products are spread and dried.

The IBR Green Building Institute had tested some of our products and determined that they correspond to the highest standards of the aforementioned French VOC legislation.
EMICODE EC1 - Low-emission building materials
Certified installation materials, adhesives and construction products
The EMICODE mark guarantees that the material has been tested and certified according to its emission level. Compared to 1997, low-emission building materials now have a TVOC value (total quantity of volatile organic compounds) from one hundred to one thousand times lower. The EMICODE mark is not issued if a building material is suspected of altering genetic makeup, causing cancer or impairing reproductive capacity.
APEO (alkylphenol ethoxylates)
APEOs (alkylphenol ethoxylates) are highly persistent chemicals, which are deposited in the tissues, penetrating, through them, into the food chain.
Recent studies demonstrate its toxicity and danger, as potential endocrine disruptors.