APRIL 17, 2023
Cans are extremely solid and lid is reinforced, (as the whole can), with a metal ring on top, to grant perfect sealing and structural strength.
THe choice has not been easy, but the quality implications have become a must to be solved for the guarantee of a log term products shelf life.
At the same time, to keep a coordinated image, being plastic packs round shaped and no-more conic, we had to change also metal cans, which now will be with a pressure lid and a guarantee sealing ring, to avoid easy leakage or transport difficulties.
Please check pictures below.
It is natural that no product quality changes will be, as no formulation changes.
It will be just a strict pack change for a longer term NO RUST guarantee on BORMA WACHS Materials.
Sure about your understanding and consistent collaboration, we would like at last to confirm that all 20 Lt cans will be provided for reasons above with an internal plastic wrap. (Further big advantage for package disposal).
In wish of your appreciate, looking forward to your precious comments
We remain at your disposal
And with
Best Regards