Based on natural waxes dispersed in a water-oil emulsion, formaldehyde free, it protects and polishes any kind of indoor wood. Formulated with light resistant and time stable colors, it is particularly suitable for precious furniture and classic-style furniture. Water soluble, certified on norm EN71-III, it leaves a pleasant soft touch feeling on the surface.
Code NAT0120 - 06 x 375 ML
Code NAT0150 - 06 x 750 ML
Code NAT0170 - 02 x 5 L
Code NAT0190 - 01 x 20 L
After taking away grease, oils or dust, apply the wax on a perfectly dry surface.
Spread the necessary amount of wax all over the surface.
Even the applied layer with a nonpeeling cloth, in order to grant the general coverage of the support, removing possible local excesses.