Special rebuffable natural Bees and Carnuaba Wax. Ideal for natural finishing treatments on oiled surfaces. Yeld: 16 – 20 m²/Lt. Silicone-free. With ease it nourishes and protects all wood surfaces, creating a pleasant and soft veil with antistatic properties. The rebuffable beeswax parquet, pigmented with light-resistant and stable colours , is ideal for the restoration of valuable furniture.
Code 4960 - 2 x 5Lt
Before the application clean accurately the interested surface.
If coloured please verify compatibility with a preliminary test.
With a piece of wool or steel wool for furnishings spread uniformly the wax.
After 1 or 2 hours, depending on the kind of treated wood and on temperature...
...proceed with polishing, as bright as it is more intense.