It's a ready to use natural wax emulsion in water. It brings out the real beauty of the wood and gives a wonderful antique aspect. The product is particularly adapted for internal and opened pored wood such as firs, but is not indicated for things such as chairs, tables etc, where needed use Borma Wasserbeize water based positive stain with acrylic fixture. It is also not indicated for resinous wood. Possible leakage of resin can leave marks. Keep from freezing.
Code 3660 - 12 x 1Lt.
Code 3670 - 2 x 5Lt.
Mix the product well before use. The wood must not be varnished; it must be free of dust, grease and wax. Apply at a room temperature between 5 and 40°C.
Apply with a brush or preferably spray an abundant coat. Leave to dry for 4 hours.
Completely dry after 10-12 hours at 20°C.
Brush in the direction of the graining to get the antique wax effect, which exalts the structure of the wood (a positive effect).