We have always been specialized in "professional wood cosmetics" thanks to our premium wood touch up paint, natural color wood fillers and our products for the care, treatment and decoration of wood. For our touch up lines we offer the Color Match service: even leading companies turn to us for this exclusive service.
We are always attentive to market trends and for this reason we have expanded our range of colors with the following assortments.

color match

color match2
Since always specialized in wood cosmetics, we offer colour sample service for all touch-up materials, already counting among our customers a number of leading companies. Following also the newest trends in the modern furniture market, we implemented in our line the two following colour assortments.
Da sempre specializzati nella cosmetica del legno, offriamo il servizio Colore a Campione per tutti i materiali da Ritocco, annoverando già fra i nostri clienti molte aziende leader. Assecondando i nuovi trend di mercato nell'arredamento moderno abbiamo inoltre implementato la nostra gamma con i seguenti assortimenti.
Als Unternehmen, das schon immer auf die Verschönerung von Holz spezialisiert ist und vie le der bedeutendsten Firmen zu seinen Kunden zählt, bieten wir auf Anfrage die Möglichkeit, ein Muster für das gesamte nachzubessernde Material zu erstellen. Um außerdem dem Trend im Sektor der modernen Möbel entgegenzukommen, haben wir unsere Angebotspa lette um die beiden nachfolgenden Farbsortimente erweitert.
Depuis toujours spécialisés dans le traitement du bois, nous offrons sur demande le service à échantillon pour tout le matériel de retouche, comptant parmi nos clients de nombreuses entreprises de grande importance. En outre, pour suivre les tendances de l'industrie du meuble, nous avons voulu élargir notre gamme avec les deux assortiments de couleur ci-dessous.
Desde siempre especializados en la cosmética para la madera, ofrecemos bajo solicitud el servicio de muestras para todo el material de retoque, pudiendo contar entre nuestros distinguidos clientes con numerosas empresas de gran prestigio. Siguiendo las tendencias del sector del mueble moderno, hemos querido implementar nuestra gama con dos gamas de colores.
Мы многие годы занимаемся производством материалов для реставрации мебели и экологически чистой отделки изделий из древесины и можем гордиться наличием среди наших клиентов многих известных компаний. По заявке мы предоставляем образцы всех реставрационных материалов. Кроме того, с учетом тенденций в отрасли современной мебели мы дополнили цветовую гамму наших товаров двумя ассортиментами цветов.
Servizio disponibile per:

ART. 1000
Cera morbida

ART. 1200
Cera dura

ART. 1975

ART. 0967
Punta extra fine

ART. 0800
Pennarello tingente

ART. 0700 opaco
ART. 0700TR-90 lucido
Pennarello coprente

ART. 2210 / 2010 serie opaco
ART. 2210TR-90 / 2010TR-90 serie lucido
Ritocco semicoprente / Rit. coprente
Ritocchi tingenti / vernicianti

ART. 0600 / Disponibile in vari glossaggi
(vedi pag.4 del catalogo)
Vernice fissativa spray

RAL 9003

RAL 9010

RAL 9016

RAL 9001

RAL 9002

RAL 1013

RAL 7035

RAL 7038

RAL 7040

RAL 7031

RAL 9005

RAL 1017

RAL 1028

RAL 3020

RAL 3000

RAL 3004

RAL 6005

RAL 5012

RAL 5002

RAL 5003




Conformity EN 71.3 Toy safety - Part 3: Migration of certain items.
Eurofins danish laboratories have recognized the conformity of Borma Wachs oils to EN 71-III norm, relating to the migration of harmful heavy metals, guaranteeing the safety of the treatments in such a way that they can also be safe for use on childrens' toys.
Borma Wachs products are tested and approved by IBR, Intitut für Baubiologie Rosenheim. The performed analysis certify that our products are complying in terms of VOC content, biocides, heavy metals and radioactivity, guaranteeing full eco-compatibility with Green Building principles.
This product's safety is guaranteed more than just by EN 71-III certificate. Its safety for children is supported by DIN 53160/1-2 and DIN 68861/1 (Resistance to saliva and sweat; Resistance to cold liquids ) certificates as well. The product does not release harmful substances even when in contact with common alimentary liquids or mucuous membrane.
The product acts as fire retardant
Labeling of construction products
This label covers the French legislation relating to emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and the impact they have on indoor air quality after the product is brought into the room.
Labeling refers to the pollutants emitted once the products are spread and dried.

The IBR Green Building Institute had tested some of our products and determined that they correspond to the highest standards of the aforementioned French VOC legislation.
EMICODE EC1 - Low-emission building materials
Certified installation materials, adhesives and construction products
The EMICODE mark guarantees that the material has been tested and certified according to its emission level. Compared to 1997, low-emission building materials now have a TVOC value (total quantity of volatile organic compounds) from one hundred to one thousand times lower. The EMICODE mark is not issued if a building material is suspected of altering genetic makeup, causing cancer or impairing reproductive capacity.
APEO (alkylphenol ethoxylates)
APEOs (alkylphenol ethoxylates) are highly persistent chemicals, which are deposited in the tissues, penetrating, through them, into the food chain.
Recent studies demonstrate its toxicity and danger, as potential endocrine disruptors.