Wood Care Professional Products - Welcome to Borma Wachs
Why found the Borma Academy? Why invest so much in the dissemination of our knowledge?
Because what we have built, discovered and collected over the years is a precious treasure that we want to donate to future generations.

We humbly place ourselves as a starting point: we know our value well, but we believe in a future of even higher goals, to which we are honored to be able to contribute with this passionate cornerstone.
Borma Wachs Academy: How to Restore Wooden and Synthetic Surfaces.
Borma Wachs Academy is our interactive space, real and virtual, dedicated to professionals, artisans and lovers of wood decoration, care and protection.
Borma Academy offers many resources to learn the professional techniques of working, restoring and decorating wood and wooden artifacts and surfaces.
Discover all our courses, webinars, seminars and all the valuable information we put at your disposal!
• Conservative Restoration
• Aesthetic Restoration
• Exterior Restoration
• Oils
• Level I&II Retouch
• Contemporary & Traditional Gilding
• Colour
Let's meet online to discover the value of the new technologies of Borma Wachs products, the new materials and news for the sales network and marketing!
We’re always ready to embrace change, to evolve and improve together!
Borma shares its experience and know-how with schools, organizations and institutes interested in creating new, interesting courses centred on professional training in the wood, furniture, interior design and artistic processing sectors.
Discover our vision, mission and values that guide us in our approach to work, production and the environment.
• Ecology
• Circular economy
• Biomimetics
• Planet Green
• Kaizen
Wood, water, oil and science: in the Academy space you can explore all the beauty and knowledge behind our wood products. Circular economy and nanotechnologies, renewable sources and a passion for essences, study of the effects of UV rays and responsibility towards sustainable forests.
Course focus: how to learn everything about wood!
Borma Wachs courses deal with every single content at 360 °, to provide usable professionalism and knowledge with solid foundations.

Here are some examples:
Conservative restoration: you will learn the fundamentals of professional wood restoration, starting with consolidation, disinfestation and reconstruction. The fields of application are innumerable and the course can be completed with training on aesthetic restoration, for personal and professional interest.
Wood gilding: it can be traditional and dogmatic, according to the ancient canons of cabinet makers, or free and slender. Our training courses on wood gilding teach both procedures, using the two different product lines for modern and traditional gilding!
Color courses: this is a very important training course, as it teaches how to achieve the desired, visible end result of wooden artifacts. You learn very useful notions of colorimetry and tinting systems. Color management for wood is particularly important and is one of the focuses of Borma, which designs and manufactures traditional oil-based and water-based dyes, enamels and finishes in a wide range of colors!
CONTACT US to find out more!
Focus on sustainability
Borma Academy is not only the place where familiar woodworking techniques are disseminated, it is also an environment in which the culture of love for wood and for the planet can be breathed and transmitted.
Our wood solutions aim to obtain products that are good for wood, for people and for the environment. Thanks to an internal research and development department, thanks to our knowledge of essences, and thanks to a ten-year tradition of passion and professionalism, each product is designed and manufactured keeping in mind our history and everyone's future.
Sustainability means making really good choices today in order to be free to choose tomorrow too. The blind consumption of resources can give a result today, but it cannot give it tomorrow, when raw materials and the environment will no longer be able to support us.
This is why Borma has chosen the path of transparency and minimum environmental impact: raw materials and renewable and sustainable energy sources to produce without waste, clear instructions and yield calculators to work without waste.

To find out more, visit our dedicated page.



Conformity EN 71.3 Toy safety - Part 3: Migration of certain items.
Eurofins danish laboratories have recognized the conformity of Borma Wachs oils to EN 71-III norm, relating to the migration of harmful heavy metals, guaranteeing the safety of the treatments in such a way that they can also be safe for use on childrens' toys.
Borma Wachs products are tested and approved by IBR, Intitut für Baubiologie Rosenheim. The performed analysis certify that our products are complying in terms of VOC content, biocides, heavy metals and radioactivity, guaranteeing full eco-compatibility with Green Building principles.
This product's safety is guaranteed more than just by EN 71-III certificate. Its safety for children is supported by DIN 53160/1-2 and DIN 68861/1 (Resistance to saliva and sweat; Resistance to cold liquids ) certificates as well. The product does not release harmful substances even when in contact with common alimentary liquids or mucuous membrane.
The product acts as fire retardant
Labeling of construction products
This label covers the French legislation relating to emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and the impact they have on indoor air quality after the product is brought into the room.
Labeling refers to the pollutants emitted once the products are spread and dried.

The IBR Green Building Institute had tested some of our products and determined that they correspond to the highest standards of the aforementioned French VOC legislation.
EMICODE EC1 - Low-emission building materials
Certified installation materials, adhesives and construction products
The EMICODE mark guarantees that the material has been tested and certified according to its emission level. Compared to 1997, low-emission building materials now have a TVOC value (total quantity of volatile organic compounds) from one hundred to one thousand times lower. The EMICODE mark is not issued if a building material is suspected of altering genetic makeup, causing cancer or impairing reproductive capacity.
APEO (alkylphenol ethoxylates)
APEOs (alkylphenol ethoxylates) are highly persistent chemicals, which are deposited in the tissues, penetrating, through them, into the food chain.
Recent studies demonstrate its toxicity and danger, as potential endocrine disruptors.